Ryan’s Diary: July 12th 2010 to August 8th 2011.

For those who have followed Ryan’s blog His Mom and Dad have included this section to honour Ryan’s life and his brave fight against cancer.


                       Foothills Hospital, 20 June 2011. Ryan and his Mom.

Ryan was not too good from July 12th onwards and he was unable to continue with his blog which he really enjoyed doing. Ryan was able to get a break from the hospital routine in July for a week although visits to the local health center for blood work was a chore. Ryan really enjoyed stretching out in the double bed and enjoyed the quiet surroundings.

Ryan was not able to finish the book he started although he did have a summary plan for its completion and had written approximately 300 pages. I plan to collate these writings together and have the book available to those interested in reading the book.

Ryan at Forgetmenot Pond, 18th July 2011

                                                                Ryan at Forgetmenot pond, 18th July 2011

July was not a good month for Ryan heath wise, his memory was deteriorating and he was having flashbacks and memory loss. His attitude though remained positive and he hardly ever complained about his condition. Angela and I learned a lot from Ryan. He had a totally unselfish attitude and he was far more concerned with the future of his wife and children than he was about himself. One example of his unselfishness were letters he wrote to those close to him, his wife and children, his mom and dad and his only brother Dylan. These letters were written on November 25th the day before his brain surgery. He wrote them in the event that he did not survive the operation and he wanted his loved ones to know how he felt and the love he had for them and how he would want them to live full lives despite him not being there. These letters will not be published because they are deeply personal and they still bring tears to our eyes whenever we feel strong enough to re-read them.

Ryan really enjoyed his job and below is the office he spent many years working on IS projects for CNRL (Canadian Natural Resources).

                                                                                Ryan’s Office at CNRL

Categories: Family, Medulloblastoma, Ryan's Book, Ryan's Final Diary, Ryan's Poems | Leave a comment